A bit of dicussion here on the Imp Club Forums about teh length of the clutch pipe and the 108" length supplied by the clubs spares service being insufficient and falling short.
The parts lists sates the 1/4" length is 107 inches and the short 3/16" length is 22 inches and yet reports have been that this is how short it can end up being, and requiring an extension

So while Doris was on the jig I ran some cable about same diameter as the 1/4" line "loose" and not hugging any curves in the tunnel or body, pure fast as can be ugly style

Results are I can comforably get from the front to same place in the first image and the length is 107 inches and a bit
Thats where it got me too, would be worse hugging the tunnel

Running it again so it reaches where it needs to and also loose I ended up at 112 inches and a bit, which fits but makes the factory manual at 107" short
The short length seems OK at 22 inches but far more comfortable at 24 inches
So I will repeat same thing again and see what the results actually are tomorrow
The parts lists sates the 1/4" length is 107 inches and the short 3/16" length is 22 inches and yet reports have been that this is how short it can end up being, and requiring an extension
So while Doris was on the jig I ran some cable about same diameter as the 1/4" line "loose" and not hugging any curves in the tunnel or body, pure fast as can be ugly style
Results are I can comforably get from the front to same place in the first image and the length is 107 inches and a bit
Thats where it got me too, would be worse hugging the tunnel
Running it again so it reaches where it needs to and also loose I ended up at 112 inches and a bit, which fits but makes the factory manual at 107" short
The short length seems OK at 22 inches but far more comfortable at 24 inches
So I will repeat same thing again and see what the results actually are tomorrow