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What is this build up at number 4 cylinder all about and why should I worry

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  • What is this build up at number 4 cylinder all about and why should I worry

    Well as the movie quote goes, if its happenning (and it awlays does to some degree) be afraid, very afraid as cylinder 3 and 4 are not being cooled by fluid and only latent heat transfer and we all know what happens to aluminium chapes when they are not heated/cooled uniformly right. Top maeks if you say warps !

    There are many dangers of warping a Hillman imp engine, not all are evident immediately, many hide in plain site.

    Here is the nastiness we speak o in all its naked glory !

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PIC-09160.jpg
Size:	1.36 MB
ID:	4119

    And no there is no way to clean this properly other than remove the head and get in there, it is a back breaking contortionist neck breaking jobb to do in the car, pull it out !

    Remeber when done, cgeck the block and liner levels, no point wasting a £35 gasket set on a warped block it will only fail early and perhaps take your head with it !

    Sometimes an ugly picture can say a lot !

    / John

  • #2
    So the burning question is why the build up?

    Knowing the why mat help to prevent it. ;)
    Patrick McGrorty

    100% MK 1 just as rootes intended it, no mods, no problem


    • #3
      running for a long time without correct anti-freeze or an engine that has been stored for a long time without being properly laid up. Proper blue anti-freeze and demin water is what you need it has corrosion inhibitors in it and has lubricating properties which helps the water pump seals which is why it is important to dry run a water pump to bed the seals in before you run it with antifreeze as this will lubricate the seals and prevent them bedding into the shaft to create a seal much like running super spec synthetic oil in a freshly built engine the rings will not bed to the bores.

