And next, finish driver side rear wing panel and then door cards and pockets.
No announcement yet.
DDG 220 C aka "Millie" - MK 1 Singer Chamois
Side cards at rear now done
Even managed to get both door cards and pocksts on
The rear and door cappings are far off yet as I need to refurbish some timber veneer first as well as the dash peices.
Dorr cards are slightly thicker than factory but latting off the back of the handle covers sorted that
Door pockets are of course on with stainless rivnuts and screws Dave Lane
Objective now is just to get it self contained and on the road before 2021 dissapears on me
One day I will get rid of all this black fluff from the carpet cutting
/ John
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Not exactly as I wanted it Gary.
Loads of compromises now to get it finished and on road but I am afraid I am not prepared to pay the extorsionate prices for some items to keep it original and the bulkier ones are always too far away from me.
Lesleys door cards turned out very well, there was a comment that they were stitched and not embossed however the fact that they are stiched gives it a classier look to me.
One the assembly list is finished it will be time for a "fix things that annoy me" list
Getting the paint cut/polished should make me a bit happier but the fibreglass bonnet might not make it out the drive as everytime I see it in daylight it bugs the crap out of me. I might just repair the back panel on the steel one.
John/ John
And temporary seat covers in place, not a very tidy job but it will do.
The seats are not worth recovering, the base one especially the spings ar so rotted the break if bent.
I quite like the pattern myselfalthough not sure Lesley will see a trend in these anytime soon. Philgsmith
New seat base and back in the works though and I will get them recovered properly
/ John
Inbetween started on the rear cappings
Sanded countours properly and gave it its first coat of clear to let it soak the sanded areas.
This will be a long process of coat, bake, block, coat bake, block sort of a groundhog day for clear coatUncle Henry
Last edited by John A. Ross; 16 August 2021, 09:28 PM./ John
i cannot touch those for fear of Helens wrath
Those are Gluten Free Hob Nobs reserved for Paul when he visits. We fixed his rear wipe on the Merc last night and I had him fit the wing nuts on the rear cushion trim on the imp as its a left handed job and I cannot even hold them myself.
Helen leaves me no such treats
/ John
Time to tidy up my messy wiring
First the bracket, tried to keep an oldish look to the shape (plus I broke the plastic one I had)
I wanted a sort of old scholl speckly powder coat done badly look.
So heated up the bracket a little and sprayed from a distance, then closer and final a satin clear coat.
/ John
And the final stages
Panel ready and plug fitted
Fitted and tested
And final loom tucked up and tie-wrapped away.
Need to find the other end off the front courtesy light, found the door switches and the rear courtesy light but no front
There is one other hidden button that does something special.
Had planned an ejector seat but changed my mind to something more useful. Cheers Andy
Uncle Henry
/ John
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