I tried loads of coatings, that one for the cost and the fact that it comes thick like finishing filler made the decision for me. Seam sealer is OK but it never actually gets into tight seams, anything inide always works its way out.
Thinned down to 20% it flows great for spray with 1.6-1.8 setup or if the car is tilted it can be poured into joints and will weep in to any crevice really to seal it. Example, once floor is done tilt at about 30 degrees so whatever you pour under the box channel at the sill will head to the floor seam to middle sill and it will run along and weep down, you should be able to see it weeping out at floor so put something down. Once some wet has been pourd in, drop some thicker stuff in there, I use a syringe and tube , like a wet seam sealer, gravity and the still wet layer does the rest.
Once that is hard then car on its side and seal other edge of sill/floor area, floor/wheel tub, rear crossmeber area, chassis legs.
You get the idea. Very versatile stuff and as it binds to a well keyed not greasy surface, will also act as a part adhesive, I have left two bits of metal I have used as mixing sticks on bench a few times and found it a serious effort (well vise and hanner/chisel) to split them apart.
I tried loads of coatings, that one for the cost and the fact that it comes thick like finishing filler made the decision for me. Seam sealer is OK but it never actually gets into tight seams, anything inide always works its way out.
Thinned down to 20% it flows great for spray with 1.6-1.8 setup or if the car is tilted it can be poured into joints and will weep in to any crevice really to seal it. Example, once floor is done tilt at about 30 degrees so whatever you pour under the box channel at the sill will head to the floor seam to middle sill and it will run along and weep down, you should be able to see it weeping out at floor so put something down. Once some wet has been pourd in, drop some thicker stuff in there, I use a syringe and tube , like a wet seam sealer, gravity and the still wet layer does the rest.
Once that is hard then car on its side and seal other edge of sill/floor area, floor/wheel tub, rear crossmeber area, chassis legs.
You get the idea. Very versatile stuff and as it binds to a well keyed not greasy surface, will also act as a part adhesive, I have left two bits of metal I have used as mixing sticks on bench a few times and found it a serious effort (well vise and hanner/chisel) to split them apart.