Having had a Hillman Imp back in the 70s-80s l suggested to Frances that it might be an idea to buy one as a restoration project , she agreed , expecting me to buy one in 10-15 years time , this was back in 2011 .
Little did she know l had been looking on ebay for a suitable buy, l had not given this one too much thought as it was lying a bare shell in primer on its side in a garage my thinking at the time was, TOO much work, having thought about it for a few days i realised that a bare shell lets you completely view almost all of the shell which is a good point to start , it was only 50 miles away so went to view it ,all seemed fine, l awaited final few seconds before end of auction and bid £1200 to make sure that l got it , so l bought the shell and virtually two cars worth of bits for £620 .
Frances was gob smacked that l had bought one there and then as she thought l meant to buy one on retirement , but my argument was, cheaper to do it then than in 10 -15 years time..

Pet didn't have a name then , l bought her home in a Luton van and she sat on a trolley in garage, coming out occasionally .
Lots more to follow..
Little did she know l had been looking on ebay for a suitable buy, l had not given this one too much thought as it was lying a bare shell in primer on its side in a garage my thinking at the time was, TOO much work, having thought about it for a few days i realised that a bare shell lets you completely view almost all of the shell which is a good point to start , it was only 50 miles away so went to view it ,all seemed fine, l awaited final few seconds before end of auction and bid £1200 to make sure that l got it , so l bought the shell and virtually two cars worth of bits for £620 .
Frances was gob smacked that l had bought one there and then as she thought l meant to buy one on retirement , but my argument was, cheaper to do it then than in 10 -15 years time..
Pet didn't have a name then , l bought her home in a Luton van and she sat on a trolley in garage, coming out occasionally .
Lots more to follow..