I'll just stick this sneaky photo up here. Its my Imp 911 project. This started on the 25th of March, the engine arriving the day before full lockdown began in NZ and kept me very entertained in the workshop while us Kiwis stayed at home! Its been quite an involved amount of engineering so far and until it runs I wont be able to say if its worth it. But its bloody fun building it! Its still a long way off though - especially as I've now got to get back to the work for money …thing. I might start a page on facebook if I can work out the best way to do so and then I can update it on there. Many pics of swarf and mess since I took this photo. I have written an update on my Imp restoration thread over on the lovely Imp forums. If interested you can check it out here... http://forum.mobile.theimpclub.co.uk/viewtopic.php… I'm off to bed. Too much typing
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