I removed and refitted the rack on my 1964 Imp last year, following “how to” advice from Malcolm Anderson (at least I think is was Malcolm - I get mixed up between them). However I did not get the column centred properly with the result that the left hand indicator would not cancel unless i used full lock, so yesterday I decided to set it up correctly. I removed the pinch bolt on the rack splines and gently tapped the column off the splines and then confirmed that both indica...tors would cancel OK when I centred the wheel. When attempting to reconnect to the rack splines I managed to inadvertently pull the inner column up too far and completely messed up the pawl inside the column, so now no cancelling and there are all sorts of bits in there not doing what they are supposed to. I am now swallowing the workshop manual, but I find the parts of the description hard to follow; I am assuming that I now need to to completely remove the inner and outer columns, but if I do that I’m not sure how to get the pawl working properly again. Maybe it will be obvious when I pull it all apart. The problem was caused by me not remembering to free up the rack a bit and then refit the column to the splines. Would be grateful for any advice.
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