Just joined, so hi to all.
Its time to restart a project that has been on hold for some time. The last time this car was kind of complete was around 1993 and to my knowledge has not seen the road. Owned by Mr Norman Barnes (racing driver) in the late 60's this car I believe was used to race and recalled on occasion by Adrian Evans (founder) to use as an exhibition / demo car.
After speaking with Martyn Morgan Jones, author of "Davrian to Darrian", I realised that the car had some lime light in its day. Martyn, kindly sent me some early pictures of the car and expressed where the car could be found in his book.
One of the pictures shows the car on the show stand at the 1969 car show in London next to a "Davrian Demon", another shows the car in the original Clapham garage alongside Adrian Evans and a few early cars.
After some research I found that the car was featured on the front cover of the original brochure "Davrian Imp a new concept in GT motoring" and in the "Davrian Glass Reinforced Plastics" brochure.
After contacting John at the Davrian Register we discovered that this car is a very early example. The early Davrian register was run by Mr Porter, whom sent the previous owner a title document expressing his appreciation of the car, its build number and to keep as original as possible.
She had a bad life for over 25 years as was exposed to all the elements in a field. Collection of the car was interesting as it had become part of the undergrowth. Now for the restoration!
As a newbie I am open to any feedback good and bad. Whether to keep it original, disk brakes or not, roll cage, colour, set-up etc etc. To be honest the car has got me enthused and I want to share my experiences, gain knowledge and to do it some justice.
It was 998cc and fitted with twin webers and believed to be a JK box. The engine was in a poor state, so another 998cc has been purchased. Any help honestly will keep me inspired and hopefully bring this example to future exhibitions.
Please let me know your thoughts, cheers!

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Its time to restart a project that has been on hold for some time. The last time this car was kind of complete was around 1993 and to my knowledge has not seen the road. Owned by Mr Norman Barnes (racing driver) in the late 60's this car I believe was used to race and recalled on occasion by Adrian Evans (founder) to use as an exhibition / demo car.
After speaking with Martyn Morgan Jones, author of "Davrian to Darrian", I realised that the car had some lime light in its day. Martyn, kindly sent me some early pictures of the car and expressed where the car could be found in his book.
One of the pictures shows the car on the show stand at the 1969 car show in London next to a "Davrian Demon", another shows the car in the original Clapham garage alongside Adrian Evans and a few early cars.
After some research I found that the car was featured on the front cover of the original brochure "Davrian Imp a new concept in GT motoring" and in the "Davrian Glass Reinforced Plastics" brochure.
After contacting John at the Davrian Register we discovered that this car is a very early example. The early Davrian register was run by Mr Porter, whom sent the previous owner a title document expressing his appreciation of the car, its build number and to keep as original as possible.
She had a bad life for over 25 years as was exposed to all the elements in a field. Collection of the car was interesting as it had become part of the undergrowth. Now for the restoration!
As a newbie I am open to any feedback good and bad. Whether to keep it original, disk brakes or not, roll cage, colour, set-up etc etc. To be honest the car has got me enthused and I want to share my experiences, gain knowledge and to do it some justice.
It was 998cc and fitted with twin webers and believed to be a JK box. The engine was in a poor state, so another 998cc has been purchased. Any help honestly will keep me inspired and hopefully bring this example to future exhibitions.
Please let me know your thoughts, cheers!

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