More work on the stiletto this afternoon, mainly sorting out the rusty rear end, and getting the rear panel to fit. It’s taken me all afternoon to do not a lot, a trial fit of the door and the sewage lines line up well, but the door is just a terrible fit, it always has been, but concentrating on it makes it worse.
The bottom rear kicks out as if it’s been bent, and the shut lines are awful, although not on the new panel but at the top of the door where the welds hit the frame at both ends!! As I said, it’s always been this way. I’m going to crack on and come back to the door later. I do have a new door skin in the attic, so I may just solve the rust/ filler/ bad fit issue by starting again and possibly adjust the door frame first??
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The bottom rear kicks out as if it’s been bent, and the shut lines are awful, although not on the new panel but at the top of the door where the welds hit the frame at both ends!! As I said, it’s always been this way. I’m going to crack on and come back to the door later. I do have a new door skin in the attic, so I may just solve the rust/ filler/ bad fit issue by starting again and possibly adjust the door frame first??
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