Just for some Monday Madness 
Who has some of those pictures of what never to do in an imp wiring wise, I bet Mike moose549 and Dave Dave Lane have some crackers
Pictures from Imp Standard wiring I have come to expect as the norm, the engine bay wiring might be getting past it but geeze, more effort to stuff this in rear wing cavity than to do it right

Then of course what happens when someone gets the advice to "add an extra earth" to fix ignition issues which should be fixed by correcting the earth fault.
This was actually on Boris ! and one of first things fixed. I actually LEFT this in place for a very long time.
When we do the "Imp Camp Fire" as I call it, you know, lift engine cover and us cave dwellers gather round

its great to say see that, DONT DO THAT as I see this very often as the extra earth, all bad.

Who has some of those pictures of what never to do in an imp wiring wise, I bet Mike moose549 and Dave Dave Lane have some crackers
Pictures from Imp Standard wiring I have come to expect as the norm, the engine bay wiring might be getting past it but geeze, more effort to stuff this in rear wing cavity than to do it right
Then of course what happens when someone gets the advice to "add an extra earth" to fix ignition issues which should be fixed by correcting the earth fault.
This was actually on Boris ! and one of first things fixed. I actually LEFT this in place for a very long time.
When we do the "Imp Camp Fire" as I call it, you know, lift engine cover and us cave dwellers gather round
