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Site Logo and the small Favourite Icon - time for a change ?

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  • Site Logo and the small Favourite Icon - time for a change ?

    Hi folks

    When I put the site together I created the site logo and the little icon.

    Not sure that anyone would argue my artistic aptitude is not up to much. In fact it sucks guess thats comes from a lifetime of 16 colours and straight lines and shapes !

    Anyways Pat has suggested it is time for a change, so if anyone with artistic skills fancies doing a logo re-design feel free !

    I will give it a go myself but fear my prefernce for dark colours would just end up with same old.

    Feel free to suggest away !

    Logo as it is 523 x 59 pixels and 96 dpi. It is also 24 bit colour which is wasted as its grey !

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_1991.jpg
Size:	8.5 KB
ID:	10481

    The favicon however is a much more challenging task.

    It is only 16 x 16 pixels, the existing one is 32 bit colour. Much more challenging to get a highly visible 16x16 in your face icon. Let the games commence

    Last edited by John A. Ross; 30 September 2020, 08:23 PM.
    / John

  • #2
    Don't hold your breath , if you're expecting anything from this neck of the woods.



    • #3

      I am not but thought I would ask anyway
      / John


      • #4
        We need the Favion to be something that when seen relates to the Forum so can't have lots of text in it due to the size, maybe just an "H" would do.
        Patrick McGrorty

        100% MK 1 just as rootes intended it, no mods, no problem


        • #5
          OK, I changed it to just "IMP" as thats about all you can fit in the postage stamp window !
          / John


          • #6
            That is better but I still think too mych text for a small icon, needs to be a logo ideally but that would be a lot more difficult.

            I know from the logos on my bookmark menu what they are quite easily.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	favicon.jpg
Size:	11.4 KB
ID:	10556
            Patrick McGrorty

            100% MK 1 just as rootes intended it, no mods, no problem


            • #7
              Maybe need to do a combination of the Rootes, Chrysler and Hillman Imp logos and badges over layed/fading out or bleeding of the size you can have it or something like that. I don't know how btw just a thought.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Rootes_chrysler_logo.png
Size:	4.0 KB
ID:	10565


              • #8
                I nearly did use that logo but given all the sensitivities these days someone would whinge it infringes copyright and the world will come to an end

                But yeah, the blue and white have nice lines.
                Last edited by John A. Ross; 3 October 2020, 04:41 PM.
                / John


                • #9
                  Just use the same colour with a capital I ?
                  The I has to be H beam style not a straight line.
                  Patrick McGrorty

                  100% MK 1 just as rootes intended it, no mods, no problem


                  • #10
                    Could always use it of kilter or bend it in some way as if it has had a dram or two, it is Scottish after all ​​​​​​.
                    A big Imp font like Pat said would be good too. The Imp badge script over the Chrysler pentagon with Rootes below it maybe??? ?

