Back in the 60s and 70s you werent a car nut unless you fitted a bucket load of extra gauges in your motor .
There was a huge range by Smiths industries as as as ones by Yasaki , Alexander , Speedline and many others .
So what to fit - theres a huge range - Volts - Amps - oil pressure in both oil fed and electric and oil temperature - Vacuum - outside temp etc etc - the list goes on .
Ive fitted a few in both cars so heres what i went for
VOLTS - Easy to fit , needs a switched live and an earth , gauge doesnt even care which terminal is which . Tells you what the dynamo / alternators doing - either charging , undercharging or more importantly overcharging . theres even posh ones saying battery condition
OIL PRESSURE - Go for full faced ones as they are more accurate in either electric or oil fed , mine are oil fed .
VACUUM , really handy , only fitted in the Vusky as the SU inlet had the fitting for a servo , tells you how the engines working , you can set the timing , mixture and it will even tell you if a cylinders got issues , again go for full face , there are half faced ones about . Its not really about where the needle points although it does on mixture and timing but how it reacts
REV COUNTER . Smiths never did a 52mm rev counter - only an 80mm one however Yazaki did , these are very reliable and accurate , if you can find one in a pod then mount it on top the dash , they will run on 4 or 6 cylinder and top end ones do 8 cylinder as well - 4 wire connections on all of them - one for the light , gauge earth , one for coil positive and one coil negative , they are happy on pertronics ignition too
CLOCK - Well why not watch your life fade away early ones are transistor and not great , some have remote time altering but i went for the later Quartz ones - very accurate save for most have wobbly seconds by now
Theres two types of chrome bezel , rounded on early and flat on late , they can be swapped about easy and a Stiths bezel will fit on Yazaki gauges so you can make them all match , ive got all round in the Singer and all flat in the Vusky
Vuskys set up
There was a huge range by Smiths industries as as as ones by Yasaki , Alexander , Speedline and many others .
So what to fit - theres a huge range - Volts - Amps - oil pressure in both oil fed and electric and oil temperature - Vacuum - outside temp etc etc - the list goes on .
Ive fitted a few in both cars so heres what i went for
VOLTS - Easy to fit , needs a switched live and an earth , gauge doesnt even care which terminal is which . Tells you what the dynamo / alternators doing - either charging , undercharging or more importantly overcharging . theres even posh ones saying battery condition
OIL PRESSURE - Go for full faced ones as they are more accurate in either electric or oil fed , mine are oil fed .
VACUUM , really handy , only fitted in the Vusky as the SU inlet had the fitting for a servo , tells you how the engines working , you can set the timing , mixture and it will even tell you if a cylinders got issues , again go for full face , there are half faced ones about . Its not really about where the needle points although it does on mixture and timing but how it reacts
REV COUNTER . Smiths never did a 52mm rev counter - only an 80mm one however Yazaki did , these are very reliable and accurate , if you can find one in a pod then mount it on top the dash , they will run on 4 or 6 cylinder and top end ones do 8 cylinder as well - 4 wire connections on all of them - one for the light , gauge earth , one for coil positive and one coil negative , they are happy on pertronics ignition too
CLOCK - Well why not watch your life fade away early ones are transistor and not great , some have remote time altering but i went for the later Quartz ones - very accurate save for most have wobbly seconds by now
Theres two types of chrome bezel , rounded on early and flat on late , they can be swapped about easy and a Stiths bezel will fit on Yazaki gauges so you can make them all match , ive got all round in the Singer and all flat in the Vusky
Vuskys set up