Fitting the new washer jets is pretty painless, jet in the middle not so easy accessed by a roundish in the middle guy like me but I got there in the end.
Looks fantastic against the mr hanky brown colour of Boris. As folks can see, he already has wiper seals

Part one, get the old jet out !
Here is the original bad boy up close and personal, rotted seals and all, they look hideous when the cup washer and rubber seals fail!
Do not lose heart if these steps fail and it breaks
Just to let you see what you will be removing before you start
The first often results in failure, that is trying to extract the washer jet which is now brittle plastic and sitting in a captive nut that will no doubt have rusted.
Get a firm grip on the washer nozzle with the mollies.
Now these are either going to come easy or be a complete SOAB depending on what state the captive nut inside is like, chances are its the latter as it will have some corrosion, especially if the existing seals are duff.
Twist it only enough times until it stops coming out, at that point the tube is still attached but the jet is threaded all the way out so the gap you have is the gap you need to work with for the next part.
See the close up, these seals were not leaking but they were completely perished to hell !!!
For this stage a proud washer jet that is loose is all that is needed
Now you need to GENTLY lift the backing washer and just under against the body shell aperture is the two edges of the clips that were show above.
Gently put a shim or thing but stiff plastic behind the washer and gently push it off the body shell, the spring can be quite stiff.
At this point it will pop out still with the washer jet hose connected, this is important especially at the drivers side as it is very very difficult to access the rear of the washer jet from the drivers side.
Now the assembly needs to be pulled apart, the only part we will be re-using is the spring clip. If it is rusty feel free to clean and coat it.
The new jets will use a new captive nut so that needs removed also.
The most important bit now is to clean offf what is left of any goo or broken down rubber from the previous seal
Now, we need to prep, so here we see the new captive nut held in place, we absolutely do not want this slipping off so I use an elastic band to hold it in place for now.
As they used to say in some good manuals, re-assemble in reverse order !

Here is the washer assembly going back together
And now pressed into place
The goo seen here is some silicon grease
The jet assembly is now set back into the scuttle , adjusted then pressed home.
As you can see there is a substantial difference in the look, much cleaner and sleek in my opinion
For any more information and prices please contact
So for a sneak preview of what goes into making these !
these are all hand made !
See the attachments below