These are standard Lucas wheel boxes for the wipers so this mod will fit many cars.
Change the look from this
To this
The matching stainless washer jets can be found in this ARTICLE HERE
Fitting wise.
Could not be simpler ! This mod fits the same diameter spindle as the Imp (standard lucas diameter) from the wheel box for any car
Remove wiper as per your user manual (please consult user manual for your car as some cars have caps and bolts but use same diameter wheel box)
Mask off around the wheel box to avoid debris damaging paint.
Spray a little penetrating fluid around the lock nut on the wheel box and leave for a bit, using a soft brass brush clean out the threads on the wheel box that the spindle nut needs to come off as trust me the last thing you want is a jammed wheel box nut binding on the alumnium. When left for a bit clean off with some more penetrating fluid. WATCH OUR PAINT !
Remove nut
Remove old spindle seal which is usually just a lump of rubber
Clean up residues
Again use a brash wire brush to clean up the spindle threads while you are there
Add some silicon grease to the O ring seal
Fit seal body and O ring
Refit lock nut
Clean UP
Refit wiper
Deed done and give youself a pat on the back !
End to end assuming the wheel box nuts are compliant with your request to remove them, 15 minuts for both sides.
These items are stocked by Graham Anderson for the Hillman imp Group but for all other makes and availability please contact Bob for prices and delivery (or pop over to The Hillman Imp Group on Facebook and find Graham.
Contact for Bob